Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Issues Statement about Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi's Decision Regarding Chairmanship of the House Intelligence

Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (13th District, Michigan) released the following statement today after hearing that Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi was not selecting Congressman Alcee Hastings to serve as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee:

"I support my friend and colleague Alcee Hastings. He is an effective, intelligent, and hard working public servant. He is committed to protecting our national security.

The Congressman has a wealth of experience and has shared his knowledge to keep America safe. Congressman Hastings has been an effective Member of the House Intelligence Committee for the past seven years. I sincerely hope he will be reappointed to the Intelligence Committee.

I respect the decision of Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi. I will support the new Chairperson of the House Intelligence Committee."


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