Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tubbs Jones Joins CBC in Expressing Concern over Government

Today, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones joined the Congressional Black Caucus during a press conference expressing concern over the government's preparedness and response to Huricane Katrina. Members discussed the findings of both the report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, also known as the "Davis Report," and the Additional Views report submitted by Reps. William Jefferson (LA-2) and Charlie Melancon (LA-3). She released this statement:

"From the 'Davis Report' we see that there were tremendous failures on all levels of government in the preparedness and response to Hurricane Katrina, including failure to execute evacuation plans, lack of centralized and coordinated communication, collapse of law enforcement, and lack of medical care for victims. This report highlights a failure of leadership and exposes the disjointedness of our federal, state and local governments and should serve as motivation for us to take a serious look at how we prepare and respond to natural disasters so that we never experience a tragedy such as this."


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